Wednesday 5 December 2012

Writers' Festival

A special day for the school

Today we got to do 3 different activities in groups with children from other learning communities.

Some of us did writing on the computer with pictures. It was called Story Bird Digital Stories.  We got to get pictures and put them on the story and then write about them.

Some people were doing fancy writing with olden day feathers and ink.  

Some people listened to some songs and then we got ideas and then we wrote our own songs. We wrote the lyrics.  

Some people made a wishing tree in art writing with Helen Hughes. We made wishes and we folded the paper up and then we could draw a picture of the wish and then we tied them on the big tree.  

Some people did code writing with Kath.  Kath told us about codes and we got to write our own codes.  

Some people made clay signs for the kitchen garden for each plant.  We put a describing word on each label.  

Some people did an activity with Kym, we got to choose an object and get to write a story about it. 

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