Tuesday 11 December 2012

Transition session - Tuesday 11th December

Today was our final transition session with l'Alveare (1/2/3 downstairs).  We spent the morning in the hall together, playing some games and then participating in quite an unusual team challenge. In teams of 6, each of which had a combination of Prep, grade 1 and 2 students, the children transformed one of their team members into a made-up animal.

Some of the creatures were mythological, such as dragons or goblins.  Some were combinations of real animals like elephants and vampire bats, and some were in a new category all of their own, such as the 'elite' animal (we're still not sure exactly what this animal consisted of except that it seemed to have claws and an intense demeanor).

The children had to think carefully about what features their animal needed and how to make them. Attaching ears and whiskers was a particular challenge.

Once all the costumes were completed we had a parade to show off the new animals.

Butterfly Cat

Chop chop ninja


Elephant Vampire Bat


Goblin Unicorn
Our headlines
How we are feeling about the move up to grade 1 next year.

Going to grade 1
Sad and good
Sad because I miss my teachers
Happy because I'm going into grade 1
Happy because I'm one step closer being in high school (which is closer to being in university, when sometimes you can get days off)
We're growing up!
We're growing up more!
We're stepping into grade 1!
We're going to look taller than we were before
Who are the teachers going to be?

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