Saturday 8 December 2012

Tasting and reviewing day

On Wednesday we tasted our cakes and shared our thoughts using descriptive language. We made a list of adjectives and talked about the genre of review. Children then wrote individual reviews or recounts of the experience.  
Once again there was maths involved – dividing the cake into equal amounts, calculating the number of serves needed and fractions like half.

Whilst the chocolate cake that Nerida’s home group made was edible and it tasted okay, it is possible that the children either exaggerated their responses or really did think it was as delicious as they said because they had invented and cooked it.

Genevieve's learning community were more muted in their praise. While they were happy with the appearance of their cake (and they certainly sampled it with great enthusiasm!) they felt that the balance of flavours wasn't quite right. 

The children came up with some adjectives to describe the cake.  Most of these were very positive, however a few children (obviously striving for perfection) found the cake produced too many crumbs.

All the children wrote a review of their cake, describing what they liked and didn't like quite so much about their product. Here are a few samples:

The Chocolate Cake
Nerida’s Learning Community made a chocolate cake. It was delicious. Everybody in Nerida’s Learning Community liked the cake except (child A) and (child B) didn’t want any.

Nerida’s Learning Community made a chocolate cake. I liked it. 8/8! I liked it because it had lots of sugar and it was really yummy.

It was delicious! I love it! But it didn’t have enough milk. It was so yummy!

Marble Cake

It was fantastic.  I couldn't make it better than it was at my house.  The thing we could...(improvement, to be finished)

Marble Cake
I like the banana part.  I did not like the chocolate part because there was too much chocolate.  
I give this 5/10
I think it looked swirly.

Chocolate Cake

Nerida’s Preps made a chocolate cake with white icing sugar. I give this cake 10/10. I think this cake is DECLICIOUS! I think it was really sweet.

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