Monday 3 December 2012

We're growing up!

There's only one more transition session left, which will be on Tuesday 11th December.  Here are some of our reflections on the transition program and feelings about going into 1/2/3 next year.

Here is a thinking routine that a small group of children did.

What was really good about transition?
What was challenging? What could have been better?
What was interesting?
Do you have any questions about 1/2/3 that we could try to answer at our last transition?
“I liked playing snowball tiggy”
“It was good because we got to learn more stuff, like what people like and what people do at play time”
“The muddle up game where you had to mingle up and then get back out again without letting go of each other’s hands”

Why is it helpful to have a transition program?
“We can choose if we want to stay at the school or if we don’t want to”
“We get to meet new people that we don’t know”
“You get to know your new classroom just in case we’re going to be there next year. We don’t need a teacher to show us”
“I didn’t like how fast people went (ran) in snowball tiggy”

“Only one of them were giving you exercise – none of the other activities were giving you exercise. You need to get exercise so you can get fast.”
I noticed that people that have very long legs can run very fast”

“It’s interesting because they have a stage”

“It’s interesting because they have three tiered seating and we only have one”

“It’s interesting how they have two boxes of lego”
“Why there were so many things at 1/2/3 like

“Why do they have a stage?”

“Why do they have two boxes of lego?”

“I want to find out if they still have Project Time”

“Is their writer’s workshop the same as ours?”

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