Monday 17 September 2012

End of Term 3 - Friday spring clean

A couple of messages about Friday 21st September - last day of Term 3.

From Kirsty: 

We're planning to have a spring clean / plant rejuvenation this Friday (last day of term.)

If anyone can spare a couple of hours from 1.00pm onwards to:
  • sweep 
  • re-pot some plants 
  • fertilise and mulch the pots 
  • generally give the plants a bit of spruce up! 
And... if anyone would like to donate some new plants to replace some of the hanging baskets - and other pots - please bring!

Remember it's early break up on Friday - 2.30pm. But come and stay on for another hour to help, and perhaps we can have a drink at the end - on the tidy terrace?!!
See you there!

From Nerida:
Thanks Kirsty for organising this. It sounds fantastic! I would love to hang out for an hour or two after work with you all. If you would like to celebrate with drinks and food, bring something along. We also need some indoor plants, as the succulents weren't coping and have been moved outside onto the terrace. So, if you would like to donate something, indoor ferns or other suitable plants would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone!

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