Monday 15 October 2012

Making the world a better place

Inquiry into Survival - Monday, 15 October 2012

What actions are we going to take to make the world a better place?

After sharing all of our Compass Points (a type of thinking routine) from the end of term three, we decided as a group to focus on three steps or actions. We then split into three teams to make a poster or rough plan detailing why we are taking this action and how we are going to do it.

I took videos of each group doing their presentations and the following week we watched these videos, making notes of the main points, which are detailed below. 

Picking up rubbish
  • So that animals don’t eat the rubbish and die
  • Rubbish might go down the drains and into the ocean
  • Wear gloves or use tongs to pick it up
  • Pick it up every day until there’s no rubbish left
  • Put it in plastic bags*
  • Make sure animals can’t get to the rubbish pile
  • Pick up rubbish in our school and parks near our school
* “But that’s pollution as well.”

Stop people cutting down as many trees
  • So animals don’t die
  • So animals don’t lose their homes
  • We need trees to breath
  • Recycling
  • Buy recycled toilet paper, paper, envelopes

But, we sometimes have to cut down trees because:
  • some trees might fall on people 
  • some trees are sick and dying 
  • we need to make paper 

Grow more native plants
  • To make the world a better place
  • So minibeasts, birds and animals can have a home
  • So no creatures or anything dies
  • Make a stall selling native plants and use the money to buy plants for us to grow. And this means that people are planting natives everywhere, because the people buying them will be planting them too!
  • Do jobs to earn money to buy more plants
  • We need strategies to plant seeds faster, like tools and more people to help.

If you have any ideas or ways that you can support us in our quest to make the world a better place, we’d love your help! Talk with your child at home about this inquiry – they’re really quite passionate!

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