Thursday 9 August 2012

Community Bush Walk - 9th August 2012

We were very lucky! The forecast was for strong wind, heavy rain and even hail! However, as we set out on our Community Bush Walk this morning, the sun was shining. In fact, it shone for most of our time ‘out bush’ – we only felt a few drops of rain.

We set out to find a special place that we could develop a relationship with. We tried using all of our senses (except taste) to explore the Merri Creek. We spent most of our time in one large area in which we were mostly interested in the enormous wattle tree, the rubbish, the seat covered in bird poo and the concrete sculpture.

Initially almost all children swarmed over the concrete sculpture, before spreading out to explore the surrounding nature.

The children were concerned about the rubbish polluting the environment and potentially suffocating creatures – they collected lots of rubbish and made a pile to take back out to the bins.


Some children tried cleaning the bird poo of the lovely wooden seat so that people could sit down and enjoy the peaceful surrounds.


Others spent most of the time touching and smelling the wattle.

It was a lovely morning and we look forward to next time. Thank you to Sarah for accompanying us this time, and to Jane who came last time. We love (and need) to have family members accompanying us on our small journeys. We hope to see you some time!

NB We will go on our Community Bush Walk even if it is pouring with rain, so please ensure that your child is dressed in clothes and accessories that are weather-appropriate, eg rain and water-proof jackets and gumboots.

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