Monday 18 June 2012

Tidying up on last day of Term 2 - helpers wanted

Friday 29th June is the last day of school for Term 2.

Could we please pretty please have parent helpers to help:
  • clean up and sort out the atelier (it’s a huge job and we’re desperate for some help),
  • sorting out the castle/imaginative play (we have a back stage area which needs to be sorted out and labeled, and excess items in the castle to be stored back stage) 
  • take dress ups and smocks home to wash, 
  • sort maths equipment, 
  • sharpen pencils, 
  • watering the plants on the terrace and feeding them some fertilizer (in the trunk) 
  • and just generally helping to tidy. 
This would be a major help for the teachers and will help to continue to provide an orderly, clean and safe environment for the children.

Also note: early dismissal for children at 2:30pm.

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